COLONEL PETROV’S GOOD JUDGEMENT – the group’s name represents a disobedience towards the mere following of conventions and norms. Just like its namesake Colonel Stanislaw Petrov did not follow protocol in the year 1983 when he exposed a supposed missile launch against the USSR as a false alarm, thus preventing the worst to happen.
Of course, the quartet centered around guitarist Sebastian Müller is not out to save the world, but rather to find new ways of combining different musical influences. The group’s music is subject to an ongoing creative process, that spans a wide range from Jazz to Prog-Metal, Noise, No Wave to even the polymetric structures which can be found in the classical music of Southern India. It is nevertheless not subjected to preconceived formulas. Even in places where familiar figures and forms appear, they are presented in a completely new, unfamiliar light.

Sebastian Müller
Leonhard Huhn
Reza Askari
Rafael Calman
| Guitar
| Sax, Electronics
| Bass
| Drums
origin //
Cologne, Germany
genres //
experimental | rock | jazz rock | progressive psychedelic | sludge metal
website //
label //
Moral Machine